Remaining for All: Countdown and Countup with Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds App for All

Remaining for All: Countdown and Countup with Days, Hours, Minutes, and Seconds App for All

Web App: Play on your browser coming soon

Android App: Play on your smart device

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Remaining for All is a simple and easy-to-use Android app that allows you to create and manage multiple countdowns and countups. It is perfect for keeping track of upcoming and completed tasks, events, exams, planned activities, and more.

Useful for keeping track of -

  • Upcoming and Completed Tasks
  • Events
  • Exams
  • Planned Activities
  • To know status of specific date and time


  • Add multiple countdowns and countups
  • Add both past or future countdowns (i.e., count-up and countdown)
  • Add countdown with time, date, and title (optional)
  • Delete saved countdowns or countups with a long press
  • View all saved countdowns and countups in a single list
  • Swipe from left to right to access additional options

How to use?

To add a countdown or countup

  1. Click the + (plus) icon.
  2. Click the Date tile and choose the year, month, and date.
  3. Click the Time tile and choose the hour, minute, and period (AM/PM).
  4. Optionally, enter a title or label.
  5. Click Save.

To delete a saved countdown or countup

  1. Open the app and long press on the list tile (countdown/countup item).
  2. A dialog with the title “Do you want to delete this?” will appear.
  3. Confirm by pressing the “Cancel” or “Delete” button.

To view saved countdowns or countups

  1. Click the Label Remaining For All in the header.
  2. Alternatively, click the back button until the list tile appears.
  3. You can also close and reopen the app to see the list.

To go back to the main list of countdowns and countups

  1. Click the Label Remaining For All in the header.
  2. Alternatively, close and reopen the app.

Just feel the joy of working with countdown like tick tick tick …

Additional Options

To access additional options, swipe from left to right or click on the App Icon/Title. This will open a menu with the following options:

  • Settings: Change the app’s theme, notification settings, and more.
  • Help: Get help with using the app.
  • About: Learn more about the app and its developer.


Remaining for All is a simple and powerful Android app that can help you keep track of upcoming and completed tasks, events, exams, planned activities, and more. With its easy-to-use interface and multiple features, it is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to stay organized and on top of things.

Where to get it?

Download Remaining for All today from the Google Play Store!

Go to Google Play Store

Best android app with timer to monitor date and time of a particular moment.

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